Monday, September 13, 2004

Harini, Shashukula and Nagarantha - the 3 Sisters! Posted by Hello

Pam with her 30th birthday cake! Posted by Hello

Rotem Posted by Hello

Hilary and Harini at the 3 Sisters Posted by Hello

Laura and Hilary at the 3 Sisters Posted by Hello

Deb, Laura's husband Lee, and partial Laura at the 3 Sisters Posted by Hello

Jennifer at the 3 Sisters Posted by Hello

Jo, Clive, and Amanda at the 3 Sisters Posted by Hello

Friday, September 03, 2004

Doctor Simon, Lee, and Laura at dinner Posted by Hello

Jogamohan Palace Posted by Hello

KR Circle, downtown Mysore Posted by Hello

Devaraja Market Posted by Hello

Mysore street scene Posted by Hello

Hilary and Guruji Posted by Hello

Everyone outside the Shala, post practice Posted by Hello

Everyone getting ready for the last day of lead yoga practice before Guruji goes on vacation! Posted by Hello

Laura and Lee! Posted by Hello

Devil on the front gate of Pam's Indian home Posted by Hello

Pig family in Gokulum Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Mysore street scene Posted by Hello

Hindu celebration, in the street Posted by Hello

Women in saris; Hindu celebration Posted by Hello

House near the 3 Sisters, washing hanging out to dry Posted by Hello

Hindu mural Posted by Hello

School girls buying fruit and ice cream Posted by Hello